Uncle Alexander’s Story

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Hello, my name is Uncle Alexander Eric Mendo and I am a member of ATSIDNQ.
Uncle Alexander Eric Mendo was born in Tweed Heads on the 15th September 1932, he is a proud Bundjalung Nation Man.
Uncle Alex will be 87 years old this year and has been married for 61 years and is in good health.
Uncle Alex has 7 children, 25 grand children, 16 great grand children and 10 great, great grand children.
Uncle Alex has lived a ‘good life’. In which he worked since the age of 13 years old on a farm receiving 10 shillings per week for his duties.
Uncle Alex also was a truck driver for 30 years in which he travelled to Mount Isa and Townsville a lot. He was also a fisherman in Moreton Bay for 10 years, and worked at Springbrook and Commera on a banana plantation for 10 years.
Uncle Alex has no regrets in life. His advice to others and especially young people is to ‘set your goals and head for it’.
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