Stephen’s Story
Hi, I am Stephen Tatow. I was born in 1952 and brought up at Erakala in the Farleigh area.
I moved into town (Mackay) in year 7 and went to Victoria Park State School, we lived at Scott’s Street. I was called the miracle baby by Doctor Berry as I was in and out of hospital all my life from 2 weeks of age. I wasn’t meant to live, but I had my operation and was in intensive care. I firmly believe that prayer has pulled me through many things. I had a tumor in my brain at the age of 9 and by the time I was sent to Brisbane for tests it had disappeared.
I started working at the age of 16 at Farleigh Mill. I did fruit picking and worked on the fettler gang on the railway, by this time I had to have a couple of knee replacements and my legs were getting weak. I spent 15 years picking grapes until my wrists gave out and then I cooked for a few years.
I still enjoy cooking and often cook for family. You should try my sponge and proper steam cloth puddings. In my younger days I played Carlton Aussie rules at Harrup Park Norths Team. Nearly everyone from the Mill was on the team including Jack Mundy founding member of the team. I have had many other medical things crop up in my life including a triple bi-pass and vertebrae taken out of my back. A few years ago I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, but again a week later they couldn’t find it and I have been in remission ever since. I still keep very busy and active in my community and am happy to be a member.