If you are caring for a family member or someone with a disability or illness which means they need help in their everyday life, there is support available.
Many people looking after someone else don’t think of themselves as carers, you might think you are just doing what you should do, or you might be one of several people caring.
You might be caring for your husband, your wife, your uncle, your aunty, your partner, your child, your foster-child, your grandchild, your friend or anyone else who needs help. If you are doing this, you might be considered a ‘carer’. There are many things available to support carers in Qld.
Carer Gateway has a hotline 1800 422 737 and a website which gives you access to lots of information about caring and available supports and resources, including a Counselling Service.
Carer Gateway link https://www.carergateway.gov.au/
Carers Australia is a national organisation who offer support to carers in their caring role. Carers Australia have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Project Officers you can talk to. For more information go to:
Carers Australia link http://www.carersaustralia.com.au/ or phone 1800 242 636
In Queensland, Carer Gateway services are provided by Wellways.
Carers Queensland also offer local carer support network and information to assist carers.
Carers Queensland link http://carersqld.asn.au/
Information about how the NDIS can support carers is also available on the NDIS website : https://ndis.gov.au/understanding/families-and-carers