No. If you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander with any type of disability, (physical, intellectual, psychosocial or developmental), then you are welcome to contact our team for advocacy support or join our Network.
With your permission, family members, carers and friends can also contact us for advocacy support on your behalf. However, we will also need to discuss the issue with you. Your directions and wishes will guide the work that we do. Family members, carers and friends can be included in discussions and the process to support you. We can also work with formal decision makers such as your Enduring Power of Attorney. However, again we will always ensure that your views and wishes direct anything we do.
The Network is also open to direct family members or carers of people with disability who would like to contribute to the conversation about the experience of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people with disability.
Yes. If you are a carer or family member of an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person with a disability you can access support for your child and become a member.
Yes, ATSIDNQ can help you access the NDIS. We can also connect you with the Targeted Outreach Project, which is providing free support to help you apply to the NDIS – from collecting and preparing information to filling out and sending the NDIS forms. Contact the Targeted Outreach Project team on 1300 363 783 or email
Yes, contact us to speak with an advocate who will discuss the problem with you and provide support to help you resolve the issue.
We have an ATSIDNQ Facebook page where you can connect with other Network members from all over Queensland. It is hoped that members can share stories and information with each other in this way.
Got Questions ?
Contact us at to ask more about the Network, or to raise issues you are experiencing in your community.